

Current Issue

Click to read the current issue of the Multimedia Resource Center E-Notes. If you would like to subscribe, go to the User Survey and complete the top half of the page and submit. Your name will be added to the subscriber list.

The News Ticker is a quick, efficient way for digital educators to see headline news about multimedia education. To move form the headlines to a more detailed and in-depth report click the headline. If you would like to submit materials for possible inclusion, go to the Submission Page.

Multimedia Resource Center Newsletter

The Multimedia Resource Center publishes an electronic newsletter. E-mailed twice yearly, it contains important technical news (written by nationally known teachers or other authoritative authors), and news important to educators. Click for an example of the Multimedia Resource Center News. Materials of importance may be moved and reused from the newsletter to areas of this site for a longer, more public viewing. Back Issues of the newsletter are available as new issues are created.

In order to provide information to all who need it, the Multimedia Resource Center will post back issues of the newsletter on this site. The latest editions will be available as they are created. If, in the future, you need older editions, contact the Multimedia Resource Center.